Ignite your leadership journey with the Career Accelerator Program

Access personalised coaching, an online career toolkit, and our cutting-edge Digital Leadership Elevate course designed for working professionals.

Topics covered

  • Negotiation skills
  • How to ask for a promotion
  • Leveraging your professional network
  • Overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Career goal setting
  • Resume review and development
  • Building your online professional presence
  • Interview coaching and prep
  • Identification of CPD needs


of products fail either by never making it to market or not meeting their key objectives and results once launched.
(Source: Gartner.com 2022)

$1-$2 million

of average investment into Product teams annually.
(Source: Glassdoor, USA 2022)

Up to $1.6 million

of product wastage per organisation annually resulting in failed transformations and unmet strategic objectives.

Career Accelerator Program

The Career Accelerator Program combines focused 1-on-1 coaching sessions, an online career toolkit, and our comprehensive Digital Leadership Elevate course. It is designed to empower you, providing the essential skills and confidence needed to conquer the next stage of your employment journey. Take the leap and skyrocket your career to new heights!

  • How does it work?
  • Why this training program?
  • Why Academy Xi for Organisations?

Learning Outcomes

  • Boost your career prospects. By mastering modern leadership practices and problem-solving skills to guide you and your team towards digital success.

  • Identify your strengths, values, and interests. Building the foundations of your professional pathway.

  • Develop a plan to set clear and achievable goals. Ensuring you have concrete steps in place to progress in your career journey.

  • Overcome obstacles and challenges. Providing support and guidance where needed.

Hear from our partners

Ishantha(Ish) Samarasinghe

(Former) Senior Manager Capability Lead

Commonwealth Bank

“Partnering to create 'CBA Product Management Essentials' is our commitment to delivering better customer outcomes and developing our people. It was a pleasure working with an amazing team of passionate professionals in both CBA and Academy Xi.

Ishantha(Ish) Samarasinghe, Commonwealth Bank

Chris Hudson

Product Management Facilitator

Academy Xi

Product teams need to be agile enough to withstand hungry market competition and disruption. Having the right foundations in place - processes, frameworks, mindsets - are crucial. When it's time to sprint, your team needs to know how.

Chris Hudson, Academy Xi

We’ve helped these organisations align their teams

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More Resources

Keep up with the latest in workforce planning with our webinars, case studies and thought leadership pieces.


Product Management is Growing. Fast.

Our panel of leading product managers where we will discuss why Product Management is having a moment right now and what lies ahead.


Department of Health – Digital Workforce Transformation

The challenge: Train a team of health policy professionals within the Australian Department of Health in digital and design disciplines, preparing them to launch and lead a new digital hub.


Build, buy or partner? ASX 200 CEOs think there’s only one way

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci recently spoke of a mixed strategy of build, buy and partner for developing capability. What does ‘build, buy and partner’ mean?