Use the power of data visualisation to align your organisation

Sharpen your decision-making by representing data in a way that your whole organisation can understand.


What’s the cost of doing nothing?

  • 70% of employees are expected to work heavily with data by 2025¹.
  • But only 40% of employees say they are being provided with the data skills their employers expect².

A pronounced skills gap is just around the corner – and organisations need to act quickly or risk falling behind.

(Source: ¹&²Forrester, 2022)

Data visualisations for clearer communication

A strategic visualisation makes the light bulb go off. You just don’t get that with a spreadsheet.

Data visualisation is the process of turning data into graphics, which simplifies information and sophisticated ideas. It is both a science and an art form. It requires not just technical skill – but also craft of storytelling to ensure your audience are taken on the journey.

Visualisations showcase and communicate trends that would otherwise be the exclusive domain of data teams. Converting data into a visual form enables people to present their research and leverage a new, well-informed course of action. This process helps democratise data and allows businesses to make better strategic decisions.

Empowering employees by raising data skills is crucial in order for businesses to transform. To harness data, companies must scale organisation-wide upskilling solutions to instill a true data culture.

Industry recognised certification

Every learner receives an industry-recognised certification and digital badge to showcase their new capabilities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Recognise the difference between explanatory and exploratory visuals
  • Learn the principles that underpin designing graphs for clearer communication
  • Identify which graph type is going to support your data narrative most effectively
  • Discover how to organise your data and ideas to communicate them most impactfully 
  • Communicate and persuade stakeholders using data visualisation and data storytelling

We’ve helped these organisations align their teams

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Frequently asked questions

We work closely with our clients as collaborative partners to build the best data analytics courses to help them accelerate decision making and actions from data insights.

We work with you to understand where your capability gaps are, design a data and analytics learning program that hones in on and addresses these gaps and continuously measure for impact, not just learner engagement.

On successful completion of our Data and Analytics training, every learner will be issued an industry-recognised certificate in Data Analysis. We encourage learners to share their verified credential on LinkedIn to promote their data analytics certificate and to support their organisation’s commitment to upskilling.

In order to deliver the training for your team, we can provide content to support the development of a business case to match your learning strategy.

The skills needed to work with data closely mirror many of the abilities the World Economic Forum outlines in their Top Ten Work Skills for 2025 list. This list maps the jobs and skills of the future.

These include: Analytical thinking & innovation (#1); Complex problem-solving (#3); Critical thinking and analysis; Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation (#10).

While data analysis and data science both involve working with data, the main difference is what each discipline does with that data.

Where data science is more technical (data modelling, algorithms, predictive models etc.), data analysis involves identifying trends, developing charts, and creating visual presentations to help businesses make more strategic decisions.

More Resources

Keep up with the latest in workforce planning with our webinars, case studies and thought leadership pieces.


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