Student Agreement

Last updated June 28th, 2024

About this Agreement

The following terms and conditions constitute the agreement between you and Academy Xi Pty Ltd (ACN 84 608 846 822) (“AXi”) for the provision of your course (“Agreement”).

Accepting this Agreement

  1. You will have accepted this Agreement by making any payment to AXi or one of its partners in respect of a course.
  2. The date you accept this Agreement is the Agreement Date.
  3. A copy of this Agreement is provided on the AXi website.
  4. AXi reserves the right to update it at any given time by making the revised version available on the AXi website as well as within the Online Learning System. This could involve any form of communication used by AXi.
  5. AXi reserves the right to modify and change any of its course content at its sole discretion.

Your Obligations

  1. By accepting this Agreement, you agree to:
    1. Comply with the Code of Professional Conduct as published on the AXi website.
    2. Pay all requisite fees associated with your course plus GST, if applicable (“Course Fee”) and those fees identified in the Schedule of Administrative Fees as published on the AXi website.
    3. Inform AXi in writing within seven (7) days of any changes to your personal details including name, residential or postal address, email address, phone number or banking details.
    4. Maintain a current email address for the duration of your course and you acknowledge that AXi will officially communicate with you via email and through the online learning system.
    5. Save copies of your submission files to your own storage device or cloud server prior to the expiry of your access to the Online Learning System.
    6. Inform AXI of any changes to your intended commencement of studies within 7 days of the Agreement Date.
  2. You acknowledge that you:
    1. Are 18 years or older.
    2. Are fluent in both written and oral English.
    3. Possess basic computer skills.
  3. You acknowledge that:
    1. You will require access to a computer with broadband internet and specific software (as specified for the course) for the duration of the course and at your own expense.
    2. Additional or supplementary learning materials may only be available through the AXi Online Learning System.
    3. You must complete your course within the course duration as specified on the AXi website.

AXi’s Obligations

  1. For the duration of your course, AXi agrees to provide you with:
    1. Course materials for your course.
    2. Access to the Online Learning System.
    3. Learning and administrative support, as specified in your course.
    4. Access to the Career Support Program, if specified in your course.
    5. Feedback on your work submitted to AXi, if specified in your course.
    6. Access to AXi industry events, if applicable.
  2. On successful completion of all requirements of the course and the full payment of the Course Fee, AXi will issue you with a Certificate of Completion, along with a Credly Badge with your unique identifier code.
  3. AXi provides you with access to the Online Learning System for the following periods following the completion of your course:
    1. Transform courses – 6 months
    2. Elevate courses – 3 months
    3. Foundation courses – 1 month

Paying Your Course Fees

  1. AXi provides three options for paying your Course Fees:
    1. Pay-in-full (‘PIF’) direct to AXi.
    2. Payment in instalments via ZeeFi or StudentPay, Payment Assist (‘PA’).
    3. Payment in extended instalments via ZeeFi Study Now Pay Later (‘SNPL’).
    4. Payment options provided by our partners.
      *ZeeFi is Axi’s finance partner.
  2. If you pay your Course Fee by PIF, you must pay the invoice provided to you via email within two (2) days of the Agreement Date.
  3. If you pay your Course Fee by PA, you must:
    1. Pay the invoice for the deposit and any administrative fees provided to you via email to AXi within two (2) days of the Agreement Date.
    2. Complete a Payment Plan Agreement with ZeeFi or Student Pay.
    3. Pay all instalments on or before the due date.
  4. If you pay your Course Fee by SNPL, you must complete the requisite documentation, including acceptance of additional terms and conditions, with ZeeFi within two (2) days of the Agreement Date.
  5. If you fail to pay any PA instalment by the due date, AXi will provide you with notice to remedy this. If you have not paid those instalments within five (5) days of such notice being provided to you:
    1. You may be required to pay an additional administrative fee as outlined in the Schedule of Administrative Fees.
    2. AXi reserves the right to:
      1. Withhold provision of course materials.
      2. Restrict access to the online learning system.
      3. Withhold providing feedback on course work submitted.
      4. Notify relevant credit agencies of your default.
    3. If you are in arrears with three or more instalments, the total outstanding balance of the Course Fee will become due and payable in full or referred to a Debt collection agency.


*SNPL is offered by AXi’s third-party finance partners, ZeeFi and ZipMoney, and is only available to Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents. Other students should contact the Course and Careers Centre to discuss potential alternative payment options.

Subscription Payment

AXi offers a Subscription Payment Model as an option for students seeking to enrol in multiple Elevate or Foundation courses, providing greater flexibility and affordability.


  1. If you undertake a Subscription, you will have access to all Elevate or Foundation courses for the Subscription Term.
  2. During the Subscription Term, you can complete:
    1. A course or courses, or
    2. Individual modules within a course or courses, or
    3. A combination of individual modules and courses.  
  3. The level of support provided will be dependent on the course level.
  4. On successful completion of any course or module you will receive a digital certificate.
  5. You agree to pay a fixed monthly fee (‘Subscription Fee’).
  6. The Subscription Term will continue for as long as the Subscription Fee is paid and is subject to the Minimum Subscription Period. 
  7. The Minimum Subscription Period is:
    1. 12 months for the Elevate Subscription
    2. 6 months for the Foundations Subscription. 
  8. This Subscription Fee is payable on the same date each month, starting from the Agreement Date.
  9. Late payments may result in additional charges and/or suspension of course access.


Subscription Cancellation Policy


  1. The Subscription can not be cancelled during the Minimum Subscription Period
  2. After the Minimum Subscription Period, the Subscription can be cancelled by providing two months’ written notice.
  3. Upon cancellation, access to the course and Online Learning System will cease immediately.
  4. Any outstanding balances must be settled prior to cancellation.

Effects on Course Access


  1. Continuous access to course materials, the Online Learning System, and other student services is contingent upon the timely and full payment of the monthly subscription fee.
  2. Failure to make timely payments may result in temporary suspension of access until payment is received.


Eligibility for Subscription Payment Model


  1. The Subscription Payment Model is available to all students enrolling in our Elevates and Foundations courses.
  2. AXi reserves the right to determine eligibility for this payment model based on specific criteria, including but not limited to, course type and student residency status.

Studying with AXi

  1. Once you have accepted this Agreement and paid your Course Fees you will receive a Welcome Email. This will include your log-in details to the Online Learning System, which is the primary system used for the delivery of the course.
  2. AXi courses are structured into modules or phases. To progress in the course, you must complete activities and submit assessments for a given module or phase as specified in the Online Learning System. Once you have successfully completed the specified activities and assessments you will progress to subsequent modules or phases in your course.
  3. Should you require an extension on the due date of your assessment, you will need to contact the experience team. Assessment extensions will be granted only with written approval by the Experience Team. Extensions can be granted to a maximum of 5 business days post the original date of the submission.
  4. Where an assessment submission does not achieve a satisfactory level as determined by the mentor or instructor, you can apply to either:
    1. Resubmit the assessment (up to a maximum of two resubmissions).
    2. Have the assessment reviewed by the Head of Portfolio where the outcome of the Head of Portfolio is final.
    3. Have the assessment externally reviewed where the outcome of the external assessor is final.
  5. Administrative fees, as specified in the Schedule of Administrative Fees, may apply for the resubmission of assessments or completion of an external assessment review.
  6. Failure to abide by the Code of Professional Conduct during your studies may result in the cancellation of your enrolment.
  7. Academy Xi reserves the right to modify, update, or discontinue any courses, content, or materials offered on our platform at any time, without prior notice. This flexibility ensures that our educational offerings remain relevant, current, and in alignment with industry standards and advancements. You agree to accept such changes and acknowledge that these modifications may be made to enhance the learning experience, reflect technological advancements, or comply with new educational insights.

Course Transfer

  1. AXi understands that some students may wish to pursue an alternative course after commencing their studies with AXi. In such cases, you can apply for a Course Transfer.
  2. To apply for a Course Transfer, you must:
    1. be up-to-date with all Course Fees;
    2. submit a request via email to within two (2) weeks of the Agreement Date; and
    3. pay any additional fees as outlined in the Schedule of Administrative Fees.
  3. If the new course is of greater value than your current course, then you will need to pay such additional Course Fees.
  4. If the new course is of lesser value than your current course, then you:
    1. Will need to continue to pay your current Course Fee; and
    2. May use the difference between the current Course Fee and new Course Fee towards a future course with AXi. Any such future course must be commenced within 6 months of the completion of the new course.
  5. If you undertake a Course Transfer you will not be entitled to a refund.
  6. Approval of a Course Transfer is at AXI’s absolute discretion.

Special Consideration

  1. AXi understands that some students may experience difficulties that may impact on their ability to complete their course. In such cases, students should apply for Special Consideration in accordance with the Special Consideration Policy.
  2. To apply for Special Consideration, you must:
    1. Be up-to-date with all Course Fees.
    2. Submit a Special Consideration Form to AXi.
    3. Pay any additional fees as outlined in the Schedule of Administrative Fees.
  3. If Special Consideration is approved, AXi may:
    1. Defer the commencement of your course.
    2. Extend the duration of your course.
    3. Agree with you an alternative payment plan.
    4. Provide additional learning support to you.
  4. An application for Special Consideration cannot be made after the expiry of the course duration.
  5. Approval of Special Consideration is at AXi’s absolute discretion.

Cancellation and Refund

  1. If you wish to terminate your studies before completion of your course, you must submit the Special Consideration Form in line with our Special Consideration policy. Links are available at the bottom of this page.
  2. A refund of the Course Fee, less the applicable Administrative Fees as outlined in the Schedule of Administrative Fees, will only be issued if AXi receives the Cancellation Request within the Refund Period.
  3. The Refund Period is defined as seven (7) calendar days from the Agreement Date.
  4. If you fail to notify AXi of your Cancellation Request within the Refund Period, you are liable to pay the Course Fee to AXi in full, unless otherwise stated in the terms of this Agreement.
  5. If your enrolment is cancelled as a result of a breach of the Code of Professional Conduct, you will not be entitled to any refund.

Career Support Program

  1. Some AXi courses enable students to participate in the Career Support Program. To meet the Career Support Program Requirements, you must:
    1. Have full working rights in Australia.
    2. Complete all coursework and projects to a satisfactory level.
    3. Be up-to-date with all Course Fees.

Job Guarantee

  1. AXi Transform courses include a Job Guarantee. To qualify for the Job Guarantee, you must meet the Job Guarantee & Career Support Requirements.
  2. To meet the Job Guarantee Requirements, you must:
    1. Have full working rights in Australia.
    2. Complete all coursework and projects to a satisfactory level.
    3. Actively participate in assessments, group work and client projects during the course
    4. Actively participate in the Career Support Program, including:
      1. Produce a comprehensive online portfolio, resume and LinkedIn profile within the first two weeks of the commencement of the Career Support Program.
      2. Book a regular check-in with a Career Coach at least once per month.
    5. Promptly action all reasonable recommendations from the Career Support Team.
    6. Provide evidence of a minimum of eight job applications each month.
    7. Attend all job interviews, including those arranged by AXi.
    8. Have paid all Course Fees.
  3. If you have met the Job Guarantee Requirements and have not been offered employment in a relevant role within 180 days of the commencement of the Career Support Program, then you will be entitled to enrol in another AXi course free of charge until such time as you obtain an offer of employment in a relevant role provided you continue to meet the Job Guarantee Requirements of the new course.

Use of Student Content

  1. AXi conducts regular student surveys to elicit feedback and testimonials, collects project work completed by students and obtains input from students into AXi course content (‘Student Content’).
  2. You grant AXi an irrevocable, perpetual, unrestricted, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to copy, use, modify, publish, upload, distribute, transmit, publicly display and create derivative works from the Student Content for any purpose without compensation to you.
  3. You authorise AXi to use your name in combination with Student Content in any and all media in connection with AXi.

Disclaimers and limitation of liability

  1. AXi does not claim, represent or warrant that a course or course materials are suitable for your purposes or are error free. The courses and course materials are intended to be a learning aid only and are not intended to be a substitute for your own study, completion of study assignments, work or class attendance.
  2. All content provided by AXi, including the information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons regarding or relating to AXi, its products and services (or to third party products and services), is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis.
  3. To the extent permitted by law, AXi:
    1. AXi excludes all representations and warranties (whether expressed or implied by law) including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.
    2. AXi does not guarantee the timeliness, completeness or performance of any aspect of the courses, course materials or website content.
    3. While AXi endeavours to ensure that all content provided in every course is correct at the time of publication, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of AXi for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content on the course and course materials.
    4. AXi does not warrant that courses will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the courses or website will be free of viruses or bugs.

Flatiron Courses

  1. AXi delivers some courses in conjunction with Flatiron School (“Flatiron Courses’), as specified on the AXi website. Flatiron School owns some of the course materials associated with Flatiron Courses (‘Flatiron Proprietary Rights’)
  2. In respect of Flatiron Courses, you are not permitted to:
    1. Copy, distribute, rent, lease, lend, sublicense or transfer any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights, or make them available to any third party.
    2. Decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats or programming interfaces.
    3. Create derivative works based on any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights.
    4. Modify, remove, or obscure any copyright, trademark, patent or other notices or legends that appear on any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights.
    5. Utilize any software or technology designed to circumvent any license keys or copy protection used in connection with any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights.
    6. Scrape, export, store, or otherwise retain any copies of raw data which AXi may access through any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights.
    7. Use any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights to develop a competitive product or service offering.
    8. Reproduce any portion of any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights.
    9. Use any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights in a manner that violates or infringes any Laws or Flatiron’s or a third party’s intellectual property rights, or third-party privacy rights.
    10. Publish or disclose to third parties any evaluation or benchmarking relating to any of the Flatiron Proprietary Rights.
  3. You shall not provide or make available any content that is illegal, libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, designed to harm the Flatiron Courses or that violates any third-party rights.

Other Terms

  1. If your course prepares you to undertake external examinations, you are responsible for establishing your own eligibility and making arrangements to attend and pay for any fees and charges.
  2. The course material that AXi provides to you shall become your property. However, the content of the course materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of AXi or a nominated third party. You may not reproduce any part of the course materials or assessments without the prior written consent of AXi.
  3. This Agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales.
  4. By accepting this Agreement:
    1. you are warranting that you are not legally bankrupt; and
    2. you are giving your consent to AXi undertaking a credit check on you.

Supporting Documents


If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact Academy Xi:

Academy Xi Pty Ltd | ABN 84 608 846 822
Brookfield Place, Level 11, 10 Carrington St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia