Improve and innovate your entire service ecosystem

Service design training to improve customer satisfaction, increase revenue, and stand out from competitors.

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What's the cost of doing nothing?

  • 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience¹.
  • Customers who had the best past experiences spend 140% more compared to those who had the poorest past experiences².
  • Companies that earn $1 billion annually can expect to earn, on average, an additional $700 million within three years of investing in customer experience³.

Poor service design can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line, customer loyalty, and overall success.

(Source: ¹PwC; ²Harvard Business Review; ³Temkin Group)

Zoom out for a bird’s eye view - and zoom in to optimise

The Service Design process takes a bird’s eye view of a service—and then focuses on the detail. It ties together all interactions across the customer journey and the “behind-the-scenes” activities that enable those experiences to be delivered. 

Service Design sits at the intersection of customer needs, business objectives and organisational capabilities. It has the power to transform your service offerings and business models to create new revenue streams and improve customer engagement.

Industry recognised certification

Every learner receives an industry-recognised certification and digital badge to showcase their new capabilities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand, map and communicate the end-to-end journey of a service across digital and offline channels
  • Visualise, articulate and solve service problems and concepts
  • Identify customers and stakeholders and their needs; and translate user stories and propose design approaches or services
  • Ideate, design and test workable prototypes 
  • Prepare a current and future-state Service Blueprint to communicate your service vision to stakeholders
  • Work with ambiguity and within given constraints by adapting products and services where needed

Hear from our partners

Mary-Claire Monsalve

Head of Experience Design / Design Principal


Our team came to Academy Xi for some group training in UX & Service Design. The purpose of this training was to help establish common practices and outputs for the team. The training was a tailored experience, to ensure that all team members would get something out of it, and felt engaged.

It was a great team building exercise, and really helped us agree on methodology - which in turn helped us have a common approach within the workplace - which helped enormously in streamlining our approach.

Mary-Claire Monsalve, IAG

We’ve helped these organisations align their teams

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Frequently asked questions

Product management is an organisational function that guides every step of a product’s lifecycle — from development to positioning and pricing — by focusing on the product and its customers first and foremost.

High-performing product management teams help organisations achieve business goals, such as entering new markets, selling more to existing customers, changing customer behaviour or winning business from competitors.

We work closely with our clients as collaborative partners to identify and design around learning pillars that are essential to product maturity.

We work with you to understand where your capability gaps are, design a product management course that hones in on and addresses these gaps and continuously measure for impact, not just learner engagement.


On successful completion of our Product Management training, every learner will be issued an industry-recognised certificate in Product Management. We encourage learners to share their verified credential on LinkedIn to promote their newly acquired skills and to support their organisation’s commitment to upskilling.

In order to deliver the best product management training for your team, we can provide content to support the development of a business case to match your learning strategy.

Product Managers routine exercise many of the abilities the World Economic Forum outlines in their Top Ten Work Skills for 2025 list. This list maps the jobs and skills of the future.

These include: Analytical thinking & innovation (#1); Complex problem-solving (#3); Critical thinking and analysis (#4); Creativity, originality and initiative(#5); Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation (#10).

More Resources

Keep up with the latest in workforce planning with our webinars, case studies and thought leadership pieces.


Product Management is Growing. Fast.

Our panel of leading product managers where we will discuss why Product Management is having a moment right now and what lies ahead.


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