Academy Xi Blog

Voluntary AI Safety Standard

This article was written by Academy Xi’s Chief Operation Officer, Cyril Gabriel.


As artificial intelligence continues to advance, there is an increasing need for structured
frameworks that ensure its safe and responsible deployment. The Voluntary AI Safety Standard (August 2024), introduced by the Australian Government, provides critical guidance for organisations navigating the complex landscape of AI use. Below, I share my reflections on this important document, breaking down its key elements and offering insights into how it can shape the future of AI governance.


Key Takeaways from the Voluntary AI Safety Standard

The Voluntary AI Safety Standard introduces 10 essential guardrails aimed at promoting safe and ethical AI use. These guardrails address key issues such as accountability, risk management, data governance, and human oversight. Here are some of the core themes from the standard:


1. Establishing Accountability Processes

The standard begins by emphasising the need for clear governance structures. Every organisation using AI must assign an accountable owner responsible for AI use. This is critical for ensuring that AI systems are aligned with an organisation’s strategic goals and compliant with regulations.

Personal Reflection: The clarity around accountability is refreshing. Many organisations, especially those just beginning their AI journeys, often struggle to assign responsibility for AI use. This clear emphasis on ownership should help reduce ambiguity.


2. Risk Management as a Continuous Process

The framework advocates for an ongoing risk management process, where organisations regularly assess the potential risks of their AI systems. This is not a one-time task; it must be continuous throughout the AI system’s lifecycle.

Personal Reflection: This guardrail highlights the dynamic nature of AI. The continuous assessment of risks—such as bias, unintended outputs, and ethical concerns—ensures that organisations remain adaptable in an evolving AI environment.


3. Data Governance and Security

Protecting data quality and managing its provenance are central components of the standard. AI systems are built on vast amounts of data, and ensuring this data is of high quality and securely managed is vital to avoiding AI-related risks.

Personal Reflection: The focus on data governance aligns with broader concerns surrounding AI ethics. Inconsistent or biased data can lead to flawed AI outputs, so this guardrail reinforces the importance of careful data management.


4. Human Oversight and Control

One of the most important aspects of the standard is the emphasis on human oversight. Even as AI systems grow in complexity and autonomy, humans must retain control and the ability to intervene when necessary.

Personal Reflection: This is a critical guardrail, as AI systems are not infallible. Maintaining human oversight ensures that decisions, especially those that impact individuals or society, can be assessed and adjusted by human judgement.


5. Stakeholder Engagement and Inclusivity

The standard urges organisations to engage with stakeholders, including those impacted by AI, to ensure the systems are fair and inclusive. By addressing the needs and concerns of diverse groups, organisations can minimise bias and ensure their AI systems serve all users equitably.

Personal Reflection: This aspect of the framework resonates with broader discussions around AI fairness and diversity. It’s not enough for AI to work; it needs to work fairly for everyone, especially marginalised groups who are often disproportionately affected by technological advancements.


My Feedback on the Voluntary AI Safety Standard

Overall, the Voluntary AI Safety Standard provides a robust framework for AI deployment and governance. It offers practical and actionable steps that organisations can implement to ensure they are using AI responsibly.

  • Strengths: I found the emphasis on accountability and continuous risk management particularly valuable. By placing the onus on organisations to regularly reassess risks and ensure clear governance, the standard promotes a culture of responsibility and foresight.

  • Opportunities for Improvement: One area that could be expanded is the guidance for organisations that operate internationally. As AI regulations evolve globally, companies working across multiple jurisdictions may need more tailored advice on complying with various regulatory environments.



The Voluntary AI Safety Standard is an essential guide for organisations looking to adopt AI in a safe, responsible, and human-centred way. By adhering to its ten guardrails, companies can not only protect themselves from potential risks but also build trust with stakeholders and the broader community.

This framework lays the foundation for future AI governance standards, providing a model that can adapt as AI technologies continue to evolve.


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