Talent Services

Growing your future workforce

Countless factors are fundamentally changing the Australian workplace: skills shortages, digital transformation, disrupted business models, changing worker expectations. Add into the mix the ever-evolving coronavirus challenges and we have an ongoing lesson in agile talent management.

If your business is feeling the squeeze, you are not alone. In a compacted labor market, organisations are struggling to adapt in order to drive their businesses forward. We need to work together to support a dynamic workforce that is able to constantly reskill, upskill and remain relevant. Traditional recruitment, education, talent management and HR models are not always able to support the needs of modern organisations. Enter Academy Xi.

How we help

Client Success Story: Redundancy retraining support

Redundancies are never easy. Our client, a major Australian insurance provider, was committed to supporting people during periods of redundancy by providing them with relevant skills training to ease their transition.

academy xi clients

Who we've worked with

What our clients say

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