Empowering diversity through education

Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey? At Academy Xi, we believe that everyone deserves access to an amazing education. That’s why we’re thrilled to offer equity-based scholarships in each intake of our Transform courses. Our scholarship program is designed to open doors and create incredible career opportunities for individuals like you.

Our Scholarship Program

Diversity in Design, Tech and Business

At Academy Xi, we are dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our organisation. As part of this commitment, we proudly offer two equity-based scholarships in each intake of our Transform courses across Design, Tech and Business. We firmly believe that access to high-skill, high-wage job opportunities can have a profound impact on individuals and their communities. Each year, Academy Xi contributes $750k towards our scholarship program. This financial support ensures that deserving individuals have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Empowering First Nations and Refugees

In each Transform course, AXi offers an equity-based scholarship. These full scholarships cover all tuition fees*, enabling recipients to focus on their studies and personal growth. 

Women in Tech Scholarship

The scholarships cover the fees of an accredited tech, design & business course, providing an opportunity for you to gain new skills and increase your employability. The courses are self-paced and offer an online flexible format to work through parts of the course at your own pace, and still enjoy the benefits of 1:1 mentoring, group work and live video sessions.
Learn more…

*Please note that other incidental costs, such as computers and associated software, are to be covered by the student.


Applying for a scholarship

Follow these simple steps to apply for a scholarship:

Step 1. Complete the scholarship application form:

Fill out our application form with your background, education, and aspirations.

Step 2. Submission and review:

Submit your completed application form. Our AXi Scholarship Committee, will carefully review all applications.

Step 3. Notification of successful applicants:

Successful scholarship recipients will be notified within three weeks of the intake commencement.

Apply today and start your journey toward a transformed future with Academy Xi.


We are proud to invest in diversity, education, and life-changing experiences. Our scholarship programs are just one way we demonstrate our commitment to creating a more inclusive future. Apply for a scholarship today and take the first step towards changing your life and making a positive impact in your community.

Iress <> Academy Xi - Women in Tech Scholarship

“In partnership with Academy Xi, Iress is providing an opportunity for women from the River Nile School...”

Iress believes that this scholarship will provide an opportunity for these amazing students to gain new skills, increase employability, and contribute to their local communities.

Ready to future-proof your career?

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